Showing 51 - 75 of 115 Results
Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanus, Translated from the Gre... by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781371642822 List Price: $27.95
Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanus, Translated from the Gre... by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781371642785 List Price: $17.95
Selection from the Syriac Julian Romance; Edited with a Complete Glossary in English and German by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781371708474 List Price: $22.95
Selection from the Syriac Julian Romance; Edited with a Complete Glossary in English and German by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781371708443 List Price: $12.95
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius; Volume 2 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781371715694 List Price: $18.95
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius; Volume 2 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781371715724 List Price: $28.95
Hadrian : Emperor of Rome by Santillian, Beatriz, Morgan... ISBN: 9781508174844
The Works of the Emperor Julian, Vol. 1 of 2: And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius; Trans... by Julian Emperor of Rome ISBN: 9781333077754 List Price: $16.57
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, Vol. 1 of 2: And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius; Tr... by Julian Emperor of Rome ISBN: 9781333080204 List Price: $16.57
Works of the Emperor Julian Volume 2 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781340022686 List Price: $29.95
Works of the Emperor Julian by Julian, Emperor Of Rome ISBN: 9781154890860 List Price: $29.96
Defense du Paganisme by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781149325537 List Price: $39.75
Ivliani imperatoris librorvm contra christianos qvae Svpersvnt by Emperor of Rome Julian, Kar... ISBN: 9781113055125 List Price: $21.99
Ivliani imperatoris librorvm contra christianos qvae Svpersvnt by Emperor of Rome Julian, Kar... ISBN: 9781113055132 List Price: $23.99
Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanus, Translated from the Gre... by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781347199213 List Price: $27.95
Selection from the Syriac Julian Romance; Edited with a Complete Glossary in English and German by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781347233856 List Price: $22.95
Select Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius Volume 1 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781347306628 List Price: $27.95
Works. with an English Translation by Wilmer Cave Wright Volume 1 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781347513200 List Price: $29.95
Works. with an English Translation by Wilmer Cave Wright Volume 3 by Julian, Emperor Of Rome 331... ISBN: 9781347515921 List Price: $29.95
Works of the Emperor Julian by Julian (Emperor of Rome) ISBN: 9781347980194 List Price: $29.95
Works of the Emperor Julian, Vol. 1 Of 2 : And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius; Translat... by Rome, Julian Emperor Of ISBN: 9780331973594 List Price: $31.94
Arguments of the Emporor Julian Against the Christians : Translated from the Greek Fragments... by (emperor of Rome), Julian ISBN: 9780371663271 List Price: $9.95
Select Works of the Emperor Julian : And Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius by (emperor of Rome), Julian ISBN: 9780461554786 List Price: $15.95
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